Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Last day in China

Inside the White Swan

ooops, double

Julia and me

Karen and Emily

Today is our final day in China, we are getting our stuff together this afternoon and pretty well packed. Shea is taking a nap (a normal long one). Julia is not one for long naps but she has slept through the night from day one...yeah!

This hotel, The White Swan is absolutely beautiful. We have stayed at some very nice hotels in the past, but this one rates pretty high with us. I'll let the photos explain. Guangzhou is a huge city, one of the largest in China. This hotel is situated right on the Pearl River and in the evening, the river banks and buildings are lit up with neon and laser lights.

Last night, Karen and Emmy offered to babysit while Jim and I went out on a date. We had a great time, after walking around the island, we came back to the hotel where we had a very elegant dinner in a restaurant overlooking the river. It was an upscale dinery with live, soft music and no kids! It was great, and probably our last chance for awhile to have a night out, just the two of us.

Julia is adjusting very well and is a very happy child. The first day we had her, she barely ate anything. Now she's drinking 4, 8 oz. bottles, eating some table food and a little baby food. She will put cookies and cheerios in her mouth constantly if you let her. She loves traveling in the Bjorn (a baby carrier) and kicks her legs every time we get it out.

Our experience has been wonderful. The families we've connected with in our group are very special and we are looking forward to futures with them. Our babies will all have special bonds forever.

We are, however, looking forward to leaving here and coming home. The beds are too hard, the rooms are too small, the weather is too humid and we are so so ready to come home. We're excited to see our family, our home and our pets. We ready to get back to our wonderful lives and find our routine again.

We will look forward to our next trip (end of May, start of June) to Branson, Mo. We will celebrate our parents 50th anniversary with our family. We will also celebrate Julia's first birthday there.

Thankyou to all who have commented on our blog. Each comment has been very special to us. I will post one more time on this blog after we get home. Then we will start a new blog with info about our familily.

Love to All,



Anonymous said...


How wonderful for all of us here at home to have been able to "travel" with you and be in on this exciting time.

We can't wait to meet Julia and see Shea again.

Thanks for taking the time to give us all these wonderful pictures and stories of each. My personal favorite in of the 10 babies, wow!

Love you guys!

The Brinkley's

Anonymous said...

Safe journey home! The blog has been a wonderful way to stay in connected to you guys, thank you for sharing with us this wonderful experience! Wish I could meet and greet you all at the airport, but...need to be in the office early! Look forward to seeing you all soon! Barbara

wishy the writer said...

By the time you read this, you should be home with your lovely family! We can't wait to see you all!

Welcome Home, Middleton Family!

Hugs from The Hanridge Family!